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International scientific cooperation of the Department of Soil Science named after V.I.Tulipov with European colleagues


Employees of the Department of Soil Science named after V.I. Tyulpanov, Stavropol State Agrarian University received a delegation of scientists - soil scientists from Switzerland. As part of a business trip, visits to the region's agro-industrial complexes took place.

Agricultural colleagues located in different soil and climatic conditions of the region were shown to their European colleagues.

At LLC "Agroinvest" in the Ipatovo district, located in the dry steppe zone, guests were presented with zonal-type sections — chestnut and chestnut brackish soils. Their genetic features in virgin areas are discussed in comparison with arable land, the problems of soil degradation under conditions of rainfed and irrigation are considered.In addition, Swiss scientists familiarized themselves with the technique used in the economy.The tour for the guests was continued at LLC "Khleborob" in the Petrovsky district in the chernozem zone, the subzone of ordinary chernozems, where long-term multifactor experience in the study of No-till technology was laid at the in-patient department of the Department of Soil Science. For Swiss scientists, this topic is also very relevant. Soil sections were investigated with a focus on the degradation of common chernozems as a result of the applied processing technologies. An interesting discussion took place on the application of modern technologies in the Stavropol Territory and Europe.In the LLC "Leader" of the Andropov region, European scientists studied sections of intrazonal soils - arable salt licks and on special elements of the gil-gai relief. Specialists are especially interested in these soils.Guests from Switzerland asked questions about the origin, use and conservation of these soils. According to them, they never saw salt licks, only read about them.The soil cover of the Stavropol Territory, its use and protection aroused great scientific interest among Swiss scientists.European colleagues selected and took with them collections of soil samples from Stavropol.During the tour took part the staff of the Department of Soil Science named after Tyulpanov - candidate of agricultural sciences N., Associate Professor A. Novikov, Doctor of Biol. Sciences, Professor Senkova L.A., Head. Department of Agriculture O.I. Vlasova, heads and specialists of farms. 

Дата новости для фото:  19.09.2019
Номер новости для фото:  7

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