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Beginning of the continuing education program “Practice and Methodology of Professional Training with the WorldSkills Standards Specification in Competence“ Prototyping ”


The Stavropol State Agrarian University has launched a continuing education program “Practice and Methods of Professional Training, Based on the Specification of WorldSkills Standards in the Competence“ Prototyping ”, for teachers and masters of vocational training in educational organizations implementing educational programs of secondary vocational education. The university has been participating in this program since 2017.In the process of training, program participants mastered modern technologies in the professional field, including digital, WorldSkills standards and competency specification of WorldSkills standards.

In practice, the masters completed three modules - “Three-dimensional modeling of a prototype according to a drawing”, “Creating a prototype drawing with structural changes” and “Making a prototype”. In each module, the implementation of the competitive task and the practice of competency assessment, the development of training tasks and master classes of champions in competency were provided for.

In the first group, 13 students from the SAPEI of the Saratov Region “Engels Industrial and Economic College”, SAPEI of the Krasnodar Territory “Leningrad Social and Pedagogical College”, SAPEI of the Moscow Region “Roshalsky College”, SAPEI “Ufa College of Statistics, Informatics and Computer Engineering” started training , Shatursky Power Engineering College, Moscow Region State Public Educational Institution, Ural Polytechnic College - MCC, Sverdlovsk Region State Public Educational Institution, Zh.Ya. Academy of Mechanical Engineering, St. Petersburg State Autonomous Polytechnic University Kotina ", SAPEI" Kuznetsk Industrial College "and the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The training in the first group was completed by passing a demonstration exam, which includes completing a task for one or more modules in accordance with a set of assessment documentation and conducting an expert assessment. All students successfully passed the test and received a certificate of advanced training, as well as a special passport of competencies (Skills passport).An additional professional continuing education program is aimed at improving and developing students' new competence in teaching secondary vocational education programs, vocational training, additional professional programs, organizing and conducting the educational and production process taking into account the WorldSkills standards specification for the Prototype Manufacturing competency. 

Дата новости для фото:  19.09.2019
Номер новости для фото:  1

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