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Future specialists have dedicated students of secondary vocational education in “Secrets of Financial Excellence”


Already in the near future, many professions related to the economic sphere are waiting for significant changes. After the introduction of automated systems, many of them will disappear or substantially transform. Another important catalyst for change will be the spread of alternative currencies. Therefore now it is so necessary to pay attention to these fundamental changes in order not to miss the moment and, in the wake of updating the look of many professions, to become one of the most sought after specialists.

At the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, the teachers of the department "Finance, Credit and Insurance" organized a meeting with students studying at the 1st and 2nd courses of the "Economics" direction, the profile "Finance and Credit" on the topic "Looking into the Future. Professions in the field of finance.”

Students of the 1st and 2nd year of the Faculty of Secondary Professional Education of the specialties “Finance”, “Economics and Accounting” and “Land and Property Relations” were invited to this meeting.

Students studying at the Accounting and Finance Faculty shared their learning experience and vision of their future profession with students of the secondary vocational education faculty. Polina Korkh and Alexander Eremenko talked about choosing their future profession - “Financier”, which looks like a win-win option for someone who is looking for stability and reliability.

As artificial intelligence is steadily crowding out professions related to mechanical and routine work, the demand for the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, predict and propose unusual solutions is growing.

Therefore, a number of professions of the future related to finances, which may appear in Russia over the next 5-15 years, were given:

1. Personal financial development manager

2. Financial engineer

3. Crowdfunding Specialist

4. Trend Watch

5. Developer of individual pension plans

6. Technology broker

After the presentation of future professions, a series of competitions was held in which all students took part. The most active of them were awarded with prizes.

Secondary vocational education students listened with great attention to the reports of older students, noting that they simply had no idea what social responsibility financiers bear for society as a whole, producing “... just a service”, which, as one student said at the beginning of the lecture, “ ... does not affect anyone. ” As it turned out, in the end he realized - "... it influences and how!" After all, a loan improperly issued to an insolvent person can not only cause a lot of problems for the bank, but also destroy the life of an unlucky borrower.

Дата новости для фото:  23.09.2019
Номер новости для фото:  5

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