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Training workshop "Methodological and educational aspects of financial literacy teaching in the educational milieu"


The participants in the training seminar got acquainted with modern educational technologies, forms and methods of organizing financial literacy training sessions, discussed the possibilities of using the educational and methodical complex for financial literacy in the general education system and studied the features of forming the basics of financial literacy using the educational and methodical complex in elementary school, including through the organization of individual design of schoolchildren.

Employees and students of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance as part of the head of the Department of Financial Management and Banking, Sklyarova Julia Mikhailovna, Deputy Dean for Educational Work of the Department of Accounting and Finance Germanova Viktoria Samvelovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management and Banking Lapina Elena Nikolaevna, volunteers of the student voluntary unit "Financier” took part in a training seminar “Methodological and educational aspects of teaching financial literacy in primary school” for the leaders of methodological associations and teachers of primary general education of the city of Stavropol. The seminar was initiated by the Education Committee of the Administration of Stavropol and the Municipal Budgetary Institution “City Information and Methodological Center of the city of Stavropol” and was held on the basis of school №6 in Stavropol.

The agenda includes issues related to the formation and development of literacy among schoolchildren in the financial sector as an important means of long-term improvement of the global financial system, an effective measure to improve living standards and economic security of the population and future generations of citizens.

Moreover, the study of the basics of financial literacy in elementary school is aimed at achieving such personal results as:

•self-awareness as a member of the family, society and the state: participation in the discussion of the financial problems of the family, making decisions about the family budget;

•mastering the initial adaptation skills in the world of financial relations: comparing income and expenses, simple calculations in the field of family finance;

•development of independence and awareness of personal responsibility for their actions: planning their own budget and savings, understanding the financial situation of the family;

•development of cooperation skills with adults and peers in different game and real economic situations.

In the practical part of the seminar, the teachers mastered the basics of the board game technique “Happiness is not in the money”, which allows imitating a problem life situation and developing a model for resolving it through improvisation. Participants were offered master classes in a training game for different age groups, which were conducted by volunteers of the student volunteer unit "Financier". Teachers needed to delve into not only the mastery of the rules of the game, to understand the chips, actions and moves, but also to make responsible decisions, which caused heated discussions. In this regard, it is important that the teacher, when organizing such a game, pay attention to the involvement of students in the process, their activity and their ability to improvise.

After the event, in their feedback, the teachers thanked the organizers of the seminar, and also noted the need for such meetings in the future. 

Дата новости для фото:  24.09.2019
Номер новости для фото:  4

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