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Students of the Agrarian University visited the Museum of Fine Arts


Students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University visited the Stavropol Regional Museum of Fine Arts and the exhibition from the museum collection «Stavropol. Century XX. Heroes of a bygone era», dedicated to the Day of the Stavropol Territory and the city of Stavropol.

The exhibition acquaints with the best works of famous Stavropol artists of the period 1960-1980 – people's artist of the RSFSR K. G. Kazanchan (1920-1991), honored artist of Russia L. F. Popandopulo (1928-2004), V. M. Chemso (1933- 1994), A. E. Sokolenko (1938-2011), artists who laid the foundation for the development of the creative organization of artists in the Stavropol Territory – A. S. Muravyev (1921-1996), L. P. Goltseva, A. S. Bocharova (1924-1994 ), V. A. Leontovich and others, which were devoted, first of all, to people of work – their contemporaries.

In those years, artists were on business trips where they built new factories, they were harvesting bread, in factories and factories, and met with those who later became the heroes of the works. Therefore, the portrait genre predominates at the exhibition. These are builders, road builders, gas pipelines, machine operators, milkmaids. Collected together portrait and genre paintings create a collective image of the workers of our region, who made a huge contribution to its development.

Students also got acquainted with a new version of the permanent exhibition working in this building, «Cossacks-Nekrasovtsy of Stavropol».

The initiator and organizer of a visit to the Stavropol Regional Museum of Fine Arts was the teaching staff of the philosophy department. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.09.2019
Номер новости для фото:  6

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