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Stavropol young entrepreneurs will be helped to build a successful business


An expert session will be held for beginners and existing entrepreneurs of the region, as well as their employees on the topic: “Increase sales: how? to whom? it is expensive?" on October 4, 2019, at 9-00, in Stavropol, at Zootehnichesky Lane, 12, 1st floor (the building of the Stavropol State Agrarian University).

Leading experts will share their experience with the participants - a business consultant Krasnodar Zakhar Yakunin, SMM-consultant from Stavropol Marinel Wilk.

The speaker of another expert session will be Svetlana Korotenko, author and trainer, trainer, marketing and sales consultant.

Note that the event will be held as part of the My Small Business federal project for small business support for more than 50 participants.

The expert session is held by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Stavropol Territory.

Additional information on participation in the expert session is by phone +7 (8652) 24-77-23, by e-mail idpo2014@mail.ru. Participation in the expert session is free! 

APPLICATION for participation in an expert session

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