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Practice-oriented lesson in poultry enterprises of students of the faculty of technological management


Practical training at leading enterprises of the Stavropol Territory is an integral part of the educational process. Students of the Faculty of Technology Management visited the poultry farm in Grachevsky district, where they were able to get acquainted with the work of professionals.

To gain practical knowledge on organizing the maintenance of egg chickens, students visited Grachevskaya Poultry LLC, Grachevsky District. Future livestock specialists were accompanied by Elena Edugartovna Yepimakhova, professor of the department of private zootechnics, animal breeding and animal breeding.

An industrial-type enterprise specializes in producing brown cross-chickens in food egg cages. Within the framework of the Agreement on Strategic Cooperation and Partnership, Professor E.E. Epimakhova regularly visits production. The quality control of feed is also carried out in the Laboratory “Feed and Metabolism” of Stavropol State Agrarian University. And students are given the opportunity to undergo practical training and to find work after graduation. 

Дата новости для фото:  02.10.2019
Номер новости для фото:  9

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