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A series of events dedicated to the Day of the insurer


Russian Insurer Day is a professional holiday for employees of insurance companies in Russia. At the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, the Day of the Russian Insurer was marked by a cycle of scientific, intellectual and educational events. These events are regularly held by the Department of Finance, Credit and Insurance at the University in order to activate and familiarize students with their chosen profession, to develop the creative activities of teachers and students of the Accounting and Finance Department and the Department of Secondary Professional Education.

A meeting-discussion devoted to the topic “Development of insurance in Sberbank” took place at the UFF. Representatives of Sberbank Insurance, Alinskaya Vilinskaya, Head of Sales, Products, Welfare Department, Tulnikova, came as guests and employers to meet with 3rd and 4th year students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of Economics, the Finance and Credit profile. Olga Sergeevna - sales support manager for complex welfare products.

A separate topic of the meeting was a discussion of IT development trends in insurance. In today's insurance market, information technology is the driving force that allows insurance companies to successfully interact with increasingly demanding and impatient customers. Consumers, well versed in technological innovations and actively using them in everyday life, expect an appropriate technological level of service from insurers.

During the meeting, the discussion was about lending and the risks arising from this process. Together with the business coach Olga Tulnikova, students examined one of the main methods of credit risk management - credit insurance, the need for its implementation and the main advantages.

The meeting was held in a warm, friendly atmosphere. During the meeting, the company was introduced to the company as a potential employer, and a presentation of the programs being implemented was held. Students interested in working in the field of insurance filled out questionnaires for subsequent interviews.

On the basis of the laboratory of banking technologies and analytics of Rosselkhozbank JSC, an inter-faculty practice-oriented lesson “Actual on Agricultural Insurance” was organized together with the director of the branch of IC RSHB-Insurance JSC in Stavropol Petr Aleksandrovich Yakovenko for students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty and the Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources.

Such meetings play an important role in improving the professional competencies of students at universities. It is important for students to communicate with professionals in the period of preparation for completing studies at the University both from the point of view of consolidating educational material in the chosen field or specialty, and from the practical side in order to increase the competitiveness of future graduates.

The organizer of a large-scale game for future specialists was the strategic partner of the University - a branch of PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh in the Stavropol Territory. The purpose of the quest is to identify among the "new generation" of the most active and creative children and talk about the importance of insurance in the life of modern society.

The quest game began with a proposal to the guys to come up with the name and motto of their team, to determine the captain. Participants under the supervision of business trainers of the Rosgosstrakh Training Center had to go through ten stations at which interesting tasks awaited them:

Station 1 "CSG to the masses" (SSMU sculpture "Be healthy")

Station 2 "Travel" (Bus station)

Station 3 DaNetKi (Dynamo Stadium)

Station 4 "Living Letters" (Monument "Guardian Angel")

Station 5 “Janitor” (Monument to the Janitor)

Station 6 "Jigsaw" (Picture gallery of landscapes by the artist P. M. Grechishkin)

Station 7 "True or False" (Clinic №1 "Student Clinic")

Station 8 "Riddles" (Monument "Aircraft")

Station 9 Alma-Master (SSAU - Monument to the Grade Book)

Station 10 "Awarding of the winners" (Student Insurance Agency RGS ").

Among the participants of the quest, a cheerful atmosphere reigned; the guys puzzled over unusual riddles, helped each other and laughed a lot. The quest made friends from different groups and educational institutions. The event ended with a debriefing and rewarding of the winners.

Stavropol State University expressed gratitude for the help in organizing and conducting the quest game a branch of PJSC IC Rossgosstrakh in the Stavropol Territory and the Stavropol branch of Moscow State Pedagogical University.

This lesson allowed us to determine the level of knowledge of secondary school students in the field of insurance literacy. An entertaining quest used a wide variety of cognitive tasks. In an interesting form, the guys were able to demonstrate their knowledge of risks and the possibility of reducing them through insurance.

Within the walls of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the strategic partner of the University, a branch of PJSC IC Rossgosstrakh in the Stavropol Territory, whose cooperation with the University has a long history, celebrated its professional holiday.

The teachers of the department “Finance, Credit and Insurance” express their gratitude to the oldest insurance company and hope for further fruitful cooperation. 

Дата новости для фото:  04.10.2019
Номер новости для фото:  10

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