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Spartakiad of student groups of the North Caucasus Federal District


The Spartakiad of student groups was held at Stavropol State Agrarian University, which brought together teams not only from the Stavropol Territory, but also from other entities of the North Caucasian Federal District.

40 teams, 400 participants, 50 organizers, 12 standards and stations, a huge amount of emotions - all in one day! The Spartakiad project was implemented at the expense of grant funds received as part of the victory in the All-Russian contest of youth projects from the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs “Rosmolodezh”, as well as with the support of the Resource Youth Center.

The sports day was held with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle, developing interest in physical education and sports among the youth of the North Caucasus Federal District. Relays, jumps, tug-of-war, pull-ups and many trials were to be performed by the participants in the team and individual events.

Winning places were distributed as follows: Team classification:

1st place in the team event — Kolos Detachment, Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, Stavropol State Agrarian University;

2 place - student sports club SCFU;

3rd place - the student detachment "Land surveyor" of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

In the individual competition, the participants received well-deserved diplomas of winners and gifts from the partners of the Spartakiad.

Дата новости для фото:  04.10.2019
Номер новости для фото:  9

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