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Field trip for future agronomists


One of the activities of Stavropol State Agrarian University is the practice-oriented activity of students in the process of their preparation for professional activity. LLC Agroholding Energomera is a long-term strategic partner of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources and the University as a whole.

Students of the direction "Agronomy" and teachers: associate professors Drepa E.B., Pismennaya E.V. and senior lecturer Mikhno L.A., as part of training workshops on working with software, student participation in the scholarship program and workshops in production, visited one of the leading farms of the agricultural holding LLC Dobrovolnoe, Ipatovsky District. The main activity of this farm is the cultivation of grain, industrial and vegetable crops using direct sowing technology and an irrigation system.

Chief Agronomist Agroholding Energomera E.A. Yagovitova and chief agronomist agronomist LLC Dobrovolnoe V.V. Brovkov talked about those innovations that are used in growing crops that are being introduced in the holding company, about the relationship between science and production.

The students were very interested in the Agroscout program, where young employees of the holding demonstrated how to use the agronomist’s mobile place. In order to master this program, everyone could personally participate in assessing the quality of the sowing complex.

During the meeting at the factory, students actively participated in the conversation, noted new and important information for themselves, asked questions and received detailed answers to them.

The structure of the Agroholding "Energomera" includes large agricultural enterprises of the region, located in various soil and climatic zones on different types of soils. Over the past 3 years, 15 students of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources have been employed at the Agroholding, and 7 students have passed production practice and became scholars. In addition, thanks to the leadership of LLC "Agroholding Energomera" at the faculty, the Center for Integrated Land Reclamation was created. 

Дата новости для фото:  04.10.2019
Номер новости для фото:  1

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