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Presentation of the book of the veteran of World War II Bugaychenko N.V.


The Council of Veterans of Stavropol State Agrarian University and teachers of the Department of Philosophy and History made a presentation of the book of the Great Patriotic War veteran N.V. Bugaychenko, devoting this event to the upcoming 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The Chairman of the Council of Veterans of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Assoc. Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History Guzynin N.G. introduced the author to the guests of the presentation, noted that Bugaychenko N.V. took part not only in battles against the Nazi invaders, but also in the war against militaristic Japan. Nikolai Gavrilovich noted that despite Nikolai Vladimirovich’s 97-year-old age, he was actively engaged in writing, creating 10 books, the last of which, devoted to the Great Patriotic War, the author presented to students.

Bugaychenko N.V. presented his book about the Great Patriotic War and in this connection he spoke lively and interestingly about many vivid and dangerous episodes of the war in which he was a direct participant. After the veteran’s speech, he was asked questions of interest to students, to which he tried to give convincing answers.

The discussion of the book was attended by the head of the Department of Philosophy and History, Assoc. Prof. Tufanov E.V. and Prof. of the Department of Philosophy and History Janusz S.V.

At the end of the meeting and the presentation of the book, the author was presented with souvenirs on behalf of the rector of the university. 

Дата новости для фото:  07.10.2019
Номер новости для фото:  5

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