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The All-Russian Economic Dictation - a way to economic culture, to the economic knowledge necessary for the formation of an active life position


The All-Russian Economic Dictation took place on the regional site of Stavropol State Agrarian University. It is carried out with the aim of determining the level of economic literacy of the population in different age groups and the development of the intellectual potential of young people.

The dictation “A strong economy - a prosperous Russia!” was held under the auspices of the Free Economic Society. In Stavropol State Agrarian University, the work took place in two classrooms, and brought together almost 300 participants: 131 schoolchildren (grades 9-11) and 161 students. Also, 6 university teachers took part in the Dictation.

The action is presented in the form of testing on key issues of economic development at the micro, macro and global level. Dictation results will be summarized as follows:

- publication of the results of writing the Dictation by individual participants (with an individual identification number of the form) on the website of the All-Russian Economic Dictation by October 30, 2019.

- publication of the Analytical Report on the results of the Dictation on the website www.diktant.org - by November 5, 2019.

- publication of the results of the Dictation in the press - byNovember 19, 2019.

- Awarding of the winners of the action (Dictation participants with 95 or more points) and the best organizers of regional platforms - by November 11, 2019.

- Dispatch of Winner Diplomas (75 or more points) to the participants of the Dictation, letters of thanks to the heads of regions, heads of organizations - by December 27, 2019.

We wish good results to all the participants of the All-Russian campaign on the theme “Strong economy - prosperous Russia!”! 

Дата новости для фото:  09.10.2019
Номер новости для фото:  6

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