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Stavropol GAU is the best


The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation summed up the rating of agricultural universities in 2019. In accordance with the threshold criteria for the selection of leading universities Stavropol state agrarian University proved the high efficiency of educational, scientific and educational activities and took first place.

The criteria were used to assess the effectiveness of universities on 36 indicators.

It should be noted that the results of the Stavropol state agrarian University in many ways superior to the results of the rating last year.

Thus, in the Hirsch index of rectors of agricultural universities, the rating of the rector of Stavropol GAU, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor V. I. Trukhachev increased from 71 to 81 units.

Number of citations of publications in the Web of Science system

2018 – 38.48

2019 – 44.99

Number of citations of publications in the Scopus system

2018 – 34.8

2019 – 72,09

Number of citations of publications in the RSCI system

2018 – 871.53

2019 – 1014.91

The rating is made annually by results of activity of 54 agrarian higher education institutions of Russia. The three leaders of the Russian Agrarian University, and Kuban State Agrarian University. 

Дата новости для фото:  16.10.2019
Номер новости для фото:  14

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