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Meeting of the faculty activists of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture Faculties


There was a meeting of the head and active students of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture. The meeting was opened by the Dean of faculties, Professor Alexander Nikolaevich Esaulko.

The head of the project office of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Director of the enterprise LLC "PRO-Analytics", Doctor of Economics, Professor Alexey Bobryshev created with the support of ANO "Platform NTI" on behalf of the Agency for strategic initiatives in the framework of the National technological initiative and invited students of our faculties who are not afraid of new ideas, difficult tasks, ambitious plans and non-trivial solutions, to participate in the autumn Navigator Program, where priority sessions will be sessions Fudnet, Edunet, TechNet. 

Дата новости для фото:  16.10.2019
Номер новости для фото:  11

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