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Coordination meeting on the implementation of the master's program "Agromechatronics" project "FARmER"


A coordination meeting on the implementation of the master's program "Agromechatronics" in the framework of the international grant program Erasmus + was held at the South Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platov (Rostov Region).

The seminar program included a discussion of the structure of the content of educational programs, the introduction of robotic control systems into the educational process. These include the KR 3 AGILUS robot and the proven KR C4 compact control system (obtained through the grant program “Internationalization of Agricultural Engineering Education in Iran and Russia [FARMER]”)

The programs and content of the course for the planned regular summer school for students of universities of the project partners were also considered.

At the seminar, Stavropol State Agrarian University was represented by the staff of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, the head of the Department of Agricultural Machinery and Technology Dmitry Ivanovich Gritsay, the assistant professor of the Department of Processes and Agricultural Machines Mikhail Vladimirovich Danilov, and the head of the International Relations Department Stanislav Sergeyevich Serikov.

The seminar participants were shown the material and technical base of the South Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platova. Employees of the Institute of International Education of the SRSPU (NPI) organized an excursion for the project partners to the Rostselmash plant, during which the guests saw an exposition of agricultural equipment produced at the enterprise from its founding to the present day, visited LLC "Rostov Press and Cutting Plant" and assembly shop. 

Дата новости для фото:  23.10.2019
Номер новости для фото:  10

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