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An open lecture in the framework of the environmental education project “Let's Preserve the Nature of the Native Land”


An open lecture was held on the basis of the Department of Ecology and Landscape Construction as part of the environmental and educational project of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium “Let's Preserve the Nature of the Native Land” in the Stavropol Territory.

Elena Evgenievna Stepanenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology and Landscape Construction, noted that Stavropol State Agrarian University pays special attention to environmental education and upbringing.

The lecture is held in order to popularize environmental knowledge, develop creative abilities among students and interest in research activities to study and preserve the natural environment and human health, the formation of the ecological culture of the younger generation.

All participants acquired new knowledge, because students, as part of an open lecture, had a unique opportunity to take a virtual trip to the “Stavropol Protected Area”, during which everyone could learn a lot of new and interesting things about the nature reserves and nature monuments of Stavropol, unravel their secrets, get acquainted with rare species animals and plants living in these territories.

An open lecture that provided participants with unique knowledge that went far beyond the studied disciplines was prepared and conducted by the specialist of the Directorate of Specially Protected Natural Areas of the Stavropol Territory Zvyagintseva Alena and the chairman of the regional branch of the Public Environmental Control of Russia organization and the public council under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Protection environment of the Stavropol Territory.

The creative intent of the open lecture was the result of increasing public interest in specially protected natural areas and their rich natural and cultural-historical heritage, as well as the active development of ecological tourism in the "protected" territories. 

Дата новости для фото:  23.10.2019
Номер новости для фото:  5

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