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Stavropol State Agrarian University - Prize-Winner at The Regional Military Sports Game "Eaglet"!


From October 23 to 25, on the basis of the recreation and educational center "Start" in the Vorotnikovsky farm of the Kochubeyevsky district, the regional military-sports game "Eaglet" was held among young people under the draft age.

For three days the teams went through various stages and competitions. The first test for the participants was a five-kilometer march. Then there were paintball competitions, a competition on the basics of medical training, a shooting fight, a song contest “On a Halt”, drill review, field kitchen and many other stages.

Throughout the entire period of the competition, the Yunar-men lived according to the daily routine in strict accordance with the military regulations of the Armed Forces of Russia.

According to the results of the game, the team of the Agrarian University won prizes in the following stages:

· Drill “Staten, built, worthy of respect!” - 1st place;

· Song contest “On a halt” - 1st place;

· Competition “I am a citizen of Russia” - 1st place;

· Competition "Field kitchen" - 1 place;

· Contest flyers "Bulletin Orlyonka" - 1 place;

· Air Rifle Shooting Competition “Rifle

· Duel ”- 2nd place;

· Paintball - 2 place;

· Captains competition - 2nd place;

· Competition "Pages of Russian History" - 3rd place.

Thanks to perseverance and good preparation, the team of Stavropol State Agrarian University took second place in the team event! 

Дата новости для фото:  28.10.2019
Номер новости для фото:  11

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