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XVI Stavropol Regional Camp of Student Assets «Leaders of the Stavropol Territory. XXI Century»


From October 20 to 23, on the basis of the state budgetary institution of continuing education, the Mashuk Youth Multifunctional Patriotic Center, the 16th Stavropol Regional Camp of Student Assets “Stavropol Leaders. XXI Century. "

For three days, 38 students of the Agrarian University were immersed in teamwork. The main goal of the Forum was to improve design ideas.

By tradition, a leader was chosen in each team, who showed himself most actively, united the team and led it to success.

The holder of the title is the leader of the XVI Stavropol regional camp of the student asset “Leaders of Stavropol. XXI Century ”became a student of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture Nikolay Umnov.

And among the projects, two of the best were selected, among which was the project idea of ​​the student in the accounting and financial faculty of the Agrarian University Aleksan Kurkchyan “Step into the asset”. The project team included students Maria Biryukova and Maria Alpatova.

Not a single large-scale event is complete without the participation in the organization of students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, this year for students from 15 universities of the Stavropol Territory they worked:

Vladimir Avakyan - art director of the camp, master of 1 year of study at the Accounting and Finance Faculty;

Mikhail Mikhailov - sound engineer, 4th year student of the Faculty of Economics;

Maria Tkachenko - head of the camp’s press service, 3rd year student of the Faculty of Economics;

Irina Eremtsova - photographer, 3rd year student of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture;

Sofya Osipova - trainer, master of 1 year of study at the Accounting and Finance Faculty;

Anastasia Kutsaeva - trainer, 4th year student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources.

The director of the camp was Nikolai Golovin, chairman of the primary trade union organization of students at Stavropol Agrarian University, who also answered all questions of interest within the framework of the Dialogue on an Equals project.

Such a quantity of emotions, new knowledge, self-confidence and self-confidence, new friends and bright photo cards gave this youth event for 72 hours so fast flying!

Дата новости для фото:  28.10.2019
Номер новости для фото:  6

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