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Students of the Agrarian University took part in a motivational seminar as part of the “Tell your grandmother” campaign


In the last decade in Russia, more and more attention is paid to the problem of increasing the financial literacy of the population. When financial products and services become more and more, and they themselves - more and more difficult, to understand them can be difficult. So that people can freely navigate the world of finance and choose exactly the services that they need, the Resource Center launched an initiative on relevant cases and volunteering practices in the field of financial literacy and mentoring, which is strategically important for the Stavropol and Northern Caucasus.

At the Accounting and Finance Faculty, a meeting of students and teachers with Elena Mikhailovna Kozak, co-chair of the regional headquarters of the All-Russian People's Fund in the Stavropol Territory, director of the Resource Center for Volunteering and Civil Initiatives Support in the Stavropol Territory.

The resource center contributes to the consolidation of efforts of volunteer entities, partners and stakeholders, as well as the development of a support system for volunteer activities and civic initiatives in the region in the following areas:

· Hospitality volunteering,

· Corporate volunteering,

· Volunteering in the field of culture,

· Medical volunteering,

· Volunteering in the field of urban improvement, etc.

As part of a working meeting with the head of the department "Financial Management and Banking", professor, Doctor of Economics Yulia Mikhailovna Sklyarova and associate professor of the department “Financial Management and Banking”, Ph.D. Elena Nikolaevna Lapina discussed a plan for the development of cooperation in the field of financial education by volunteers, and also planned activities to train ambassadors of financial education.

Of particular importance is financial education in rural areas and among the older population. Older people are the most vulnerable population. Therefore, the Resource Center and the Stavropol State Agrarian University began the joint implementation of the project of the All-Russian Popular Front - the all-Russian action “Tell Grandma” in order to protect our loved ones from fraudsters through the connection of generations. The essence of the action is that children and grandchildren, using their smartphones and computers, share with older people content that in an accessible and understandable way explains the basic rules of financial security. 

Дата новости для фото:  31.10.2019
Номер новости для фото:  4

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