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VII International Research and Practice Conference of the Guild of Marketers and Plekhanov Russian University of Economics "Marketing of Russia"


The conference was attended by well-known marketers and scientists from leading Russian universities, representatives of the marketing field from Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Serbia and Russia. Within the framework of the conference, a foresight session "Transformation of the Role and Competencies of Marketers in Companies" was organized.

Stavropol State Agrarian University was represented by the assistant professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Agriculture Ekaterina Agalarova.

The theme of this year's conference is Enlightened Marketing in Times of Change: Challenges, Expectations, Reality.

The key themes of the foresight session were:

· Expectations of companies from graduates and students (listeners) and young professionals in the field of marketing

· Knowledge, skills and abilities of today and tomorrow, necessary for a student-marketer for successful employment and building a career in leading companies

· How to teach marketing generation Z and Alpha? How do they see their managerial future?

· How do universities adapt marketing programs to new challenges?

· Marketing and the digital environment in the educational programs of universities. 

Дата новости для фото:  31.10.2019
Номер новости для фото:  3

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