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Meeting of future agronomists with employers


For fourth-year students of the specialty "Agronomy" of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, a meeting was organized with a representative of the largest European company for the construction and technological support of fruit and vegetable product storage facilities of ECHO-RUS LLC.

The employees of the department of production and processing of food products from plant materials organized an open lecture with a production representative for 4 year students of the specialty "Agronomy".

Students were addressed by the regional director of the largest company in Europe for the construction and scientific and practical support of the activities of fruit and vegetable storages Negovan Krsmanovich. At the beginning of the speech, the speaker made a presentation about his company, spoke about the largest projects and development prospects of the company.

During the meeting, Negovan Krsmanovich told students about the most advanced ways of storing fruit-and vegetable and vegetable products, gave examples of equipment used in modern storage systems. At the end of the meeting, the speaker told the children about the prospects of employment in the company «ECHO-RUS».

Organization of interactive classes with representatives of companies - potential employers increases the level of motivation of students and increases the efficiency of their employment. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.11.2019
Номер новости для фото:  11

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