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Exit practice-oriented lesson in the Office of the Federal Treasury in the Stavropol Territory


Listeners were not only provided with information about the main activities of the bodies of the Federal Treasury, but also new directions were laid out that were embedded in the functions of the Treasury of Russia. So, students were offered to watch a video that clearly demonstrates the need for the development of such an organ in modern Russia. In addition, a report on the implementation of treasury support of budget funds was presented to the attention of future financiers.

Graduate students are seriously thinking about employment. Students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty had the opportunity to get acquainted with the activities and structure of the Office of the Federal Treasury in the Stavropol Territory.

Samarin Vera Ivanovna, Deputy Head of the OFT for the Stavropol Territory, told students about the Treasury itself and its structure, as well as about the functions performed by the Treasury.

Vera Ivanovna told the children about the requirements for the employees of this body, and about their rights and obligations. Students got acquainted with the conditions of admission to the public civil service, the youth policy of the Office and the possibility of internship in the Office. The information on the preparation of term papers and final qualification works based on materials from state information systems was useful: Unified procurement information system; Official website for posting information on state (municipal) institutions; State Information System "Electronic Budget"; State Automated Information System "Management"; State Information System on State and Municipal Payments (SIS SMP).

Representative from the youth council of the OFT in the Stavropol Territory, a graduate of the Stavropol State Agrarian University (2014) with a degree in Accounting, Analysis and Audit Anna Nemirovchenko gave examples of the main advantages and disadvantages of working in the Office for a young specialist who recently graduated from a university.

Students were asked the most relevant questions regarding the internship, employment and public life of the Treasury.

At the end of the event, a tour was conducted for students in the Museum of the History of Management of the Federal Treasury in the Stavropol Territory. Zhiltsova Raisa Andreyevna, who headed the Department of the Federal Treasury in the Stavropol Territory from 2001 to 2010, told the children about the history of the development of the Administration and the people who stood at its origins. Students also visited the administrative, operational, legal departments and other structural divisions of the Office.

Following the meeting, students became interested in the work of the Office and thanked for the event.

Such events are necessary to enhance the research activities of students, to attract them to conduct search work to identify new historical facts and events in the activities of the Federal Treasury, to draw attention to the financial system of Stavropol.

Дата новости для фото:  01.11.2019
Номер новости для фото:  15

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