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Visit to Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov


The delegation of Stavropol State Agrarian University, consisting of Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov, Dean of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources Alexander Nikolaevich Esaulko, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Egor Vladimirovich Kulaev and Dean of the Electric Power Department Maxim Alekseevich Mastepanenko Agrarian State University visited. N.I. Vavilov in order to familiarize with the best practices of the organization of educational and scientific work at the university.

Products manufactured by Agrocenter have good indicators in terms of competitiveness, quality and safety of use. Under the trademark "Korolkov Garden" the farm has been known for over 80 years. The main activities: growing vegetables in greenhouses (more than 600 tons of cucumber per year), producing flowers per cut, growing high-quality varietal planting material for flower crops (15 thousand seedlings of roses and more than 250 thousand seedlings of annual and perennial flower crops are sold per year), production of potted flowers (10 - 15 thousand pieces per year) and growing medicinal plants (about 25 tons leaf of aloe tree and 2 - 3 tons of shoots of Kalanch pinnate per year).

Future agronomists, plant protection agronomists and agroecologists, agricultural processing technologists, and future gardening and landscape construction specialists undergo practical training on the basis of this site.

In recent years, Agrocenter specialists have been engaged in the cultivation of unique crops. Designers of modern offices can find and purchase decorative greens, palm trees, all kinds of potted flowers, and all this year-round. Many types of flowers are grown for landscaping the city of Saratov.

Significant income for the economy is provided by the fruit and vegetable and fruit processing section, producing up to 7 thousand seedlings of various fruit and berry crops per year, about 100 tons of direct-pressed apple juice, and over 10 tons of mushrooms in the off-season.

Here, students of the Department of Horticulture, Botany and Plant Physiology, as well as agronomists of various directions improve their skills and consolidate their knowledge.

Technical re-equipment of agricultural production - comprehensive mechanization, the creation of new types of machines, increasing their capacities, universalization, providing opportunities for improving land cultivation, improving the organization of production and management, is entirely connected with the training of personnel in engineering and technical specialties. Students of these specialties undergo industrial and undergraduate practice under the guidance of the engineering service of the Agrocenter.

In Saratov State Agrarian University, a lot of attention is paid to the applied component of both the educational process and scientific research, which allows the university to remain one of the leaders in agricultural education in Russia.

Дата новости для фото:  05.11.2019
Номер новости для фото:  9

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