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The “Financial Genius” tournament was held at the Faculty of Accounting and Finance


On the basis of the Accounting and Finance Faculty, within the framework of the All-Russian Savings Week for students of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, the tournament "Financial Genius" was held.

The tournament was organized by the head of the department of financial management and banking, doctor of economic sciences, professor Julia Mikhailovna Sklyarova and associate professor of the department of financial management and banking, candidate of economic sciences Elena Nikolaevna Lapina.

The goal of the tournament is to increase the financial literacy and intellectual potential of youth in managing personal financial resources through:

- advancement of knowledge that contributes to the acquisition of reasonable habits and skills in the field of forming a personal (family) budget, using banking services, including using loans, maintaining a personal and family budget, the correct calculation of taxes and their payment, life insurance and property insurance;

- identifying new youth initiatives aimed at improving the financial literacy of the population of the Stavropol Territory;

- creating an algorithm for the formation of the population’s habit of soundness of financial decisions made when managing household finances and personal finances;

- the formation of a positive image of a financially competent person.

The tournament participants had to complete 20 tasks on the following topics: personal financial resources management, consumer protection, taxation, lending, insurance, banking services, family budgeting processes and financial fraud.

At the end of the tournament, the participants discussed the “financial mistakes” made by them during the express exam. The organizers found out to what extent future engineers are able to make informed decisions and take effective actions in areas related to personal finance management, to realize life goals and plans for the current moment and future periods.

As a result of the meeting, the names of five winners were announced - the students who scored the maximum number of points. Each participant received commemorative gifts with the symbols “Friends with Finance” from the Accounting and Finance Department and the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

In a festive atmosphere, Larisa Sergeyevna Khudyakova, Deputy Director of the Stavropol Regional Branch of Rosselkhozbank JSC, summed up the results of training in the pilot joint educational program Technologies for Assessing and Analyzing the Creditworthiness of Agricultural Producers: Theory and Practice, implemented by Rosselkhozbank JSC for students of technological specialties of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Presenting certificates to students who successfully completed the program, the banker emphasized its uniqueness and the further need to merge students' theoretical knowledge with practical skills in various fields of economics, finance, and agricultural production technology. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.11.2019
Номер новости для фото:  5

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