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Savings Week at Agrarian University


The cycle of tax lectures at Stavropol Agrarian University ended with a master class on filling out a 3-personal income tax return.

Vera Aleksandrovna Titarenko, the head of the department of taxation of personal income of individuals and administration of insurance contributions of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Stavropol Territory, showed how to use the program to fill out a declaration in the personal account of a taxpayer.

The master class was held as part of the All-Russian Savings Week. Stavropol State Agrarian University actively acts as a platform for speakers to speak, and tax authorities, who annually support financial literacy events, take the opportunity to convey important knowledge to students.

The lesson was organized by the Head of the Department of Financial Management and Banking of the Stavropol Agrarian University, Professor Yulia Mikhailovna Sklyarova and Associate Professor Elena Nikolaevna Lapina for 2nd year students of the Economics course in Accounting, Analysis and Audit.

The master class began with a short introduction on the administration of personal income tax. In the structure of the federal budget, the share of personal income tax is about one third of all revenues, and more than 40% in the volume of the regional budget. Most often, the employer independently transfers personal income tax for the employee, but in some cases, citizens are required to do this themselves. In this case, they are faced with filling out a declaration.

At the level of development of modern services, the procedure for filling out a declaration has been greatly simplified. Vera Aleksandrovna Titarenko examined all situations in which it would be necessary to fill out a declaration, showed where details can be found on the website and suggested step-by-step instructions for each case.

In 2019, the All-Russian Savings Week is dedicated to digitalization. Taking part in the events of the week, tax authorities seek to convey to youth the most relevant information about modern electronic tools for managing their tax obligations. Lecture programs and master classes are designed for the practical application of acquired skills. Students connect to the taxpayer’s personal account, actively use the public services portal and study with interest the new possibilities of electronic services. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.11.2019
Номер новости для фото:  4

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