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Entrepreneurs of Aleksandrovsky district were told about state support and changes in legislation


In the village of Aleksandrovskoye, the project office of Stavropol State Agrarian University, together with the Entrepreneurship Support Fund in Stavropol Territory, held a round table "Stavropol Territory - the territory of effective business support: government support measures, current changes in the legislation of 2019-2020."

The main topic of the meeting was state support of entrepreneurs, used to increase the efficiency of the region’s economy and business development, from the establishment of the enterprise to the entry into the international market.

The round table was attended by Igor Evgenyevich Matsagorov, head of the financial department of the administration of Aleksandrovsky municipal district of Stavropol Territory, Elena Aleksandrovna Matsagorova, head of the department of economic development of the administration of Aleksandrovsky municipal region of Stavropol Territory, representatives of control and supervision bodies; Head of Aleksandrovsky local branch of “SUPPORT OF RUSSIA” Melzetdinov Kasim Alievich; representatives of SME support infrastructure; Director of Tensor LLC Ledeneva G. I., Associate Professor, Department of Accounting Management, Stavropol State Agrarian University Tatarinova M. N.

The moderator of the round table was A. N. Bobryshev, head of the project office of the strategic development and project management department of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The event participants became interested in entrepreneurs support programs, as well as new rules for labeling consumer goods. Representatives of the business of the municipal region of the territory expressed gratitude to the staff of SSAU and the Fund for the good organization and relevance of the roundtable, as well as the opportunity to communicate with representatives of the infrastructure for supporting entrepreneurship without leaving the regional capital.

According to the individual entrepreneur Konotoptsev Vladimir Alexandrovich, such events are useful for business representatives, they help to navigate the current legislative changes and the specifics of modern financial assistance to entrepreneurs. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.11.2019
Номер новости для фото:  2

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