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Victory in the VI All-Russian innovative public competition for the best textbook, study guide and monograph


The competition was held in order to popularize educational and scientific works. The competition was attended by both individual scientists, teachers, teams of authors, and publishers working with them. In total, 190 scientific publications (monographs, textbooks, study guides) took part in the competition.

The textbook "Financial markets and institutions" (written by a team of teachers of the department "Finance, credit and insurance":

Department Head, Ph.D., Associate Professor I.I. Glotova,

Ph.D., associate professor O.N. Uglitskikh

Doctor of Economics, Professor L.V. Agarkova,

Doctor of Economics, Professor B.A. Doronin

Ph.D., Associate Professor E.P. Tomilina,

Ph.D., Associate Professor Yu.E. Klishina,

Ph.D., Associate Professor I.M. Podkolzina,

assistants A.M. Abrekova and A.A. Smagin, together with the director of the BCS Premier Stavropol branch S.V. Grigoriev) was awarded a diploma of the winner of the VI All-Russian innovative public competition for the best textbook, study guide and monograph.

The competition is held by the Certification Body for educational and methodical and scientific publications in the field of general education and the Autonomous non-profit organization of additional professional education "Interregional Center for Innovative Technologies in Education", Kirov.

In the special nomination “For the Results of Fruitful Research Activities”, the following researched were awarded:

- Agarkova Lyubov Vasilievna,

- Glotova Irina Ivanovna,

- Doronin Boris Alekseevich,

- Klishina Julia Evgenievna,

- Podkolzina Irina Mikhailovna,

- Tomilina Elena Petrovna,

- Uglitskikh Olga Nikolaevna.

The results of the competition are published on the website of the Certification Body of educational-methodical and scientific publications in the field of general education.

The contest organizers congratulate the winners and express gratitude to the contest participants for their active participation and interest in the projects of the Interregional Center for Innovative Technologies in Education. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.11.2019
Номер новости для фото:  8

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