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Teachers and students participating in the International Online Roundtable


The organizers of the international round table were teachers of two universities: Stavropol State Agrarian University and the University of Turan-Astana (Kazakhstan). The work of specialists was held as part of the celebration of the National Currency Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan - tenge. The topic of discussion was: "Finance of Kazakhstan and Russia in the context of the globalization of the economy."

Welcoming speeches and reports were made by:

· Irina Viktorovna Taranova, Professor, Department of Financial Management and Banking, SSAU, Doctor of Economics, Professor

· Julia Mikhailovna Sklyarova, head of the Department of "Financial Management and Banking", SSAU, Doctor of Economics, Professor

· Akmolar Bolatovna Temirova, head of the Department of "Economics", Ph.D., associate professor, Kazakh Agro Technical University named after S.Seifullin

· Rakhimova Gulmira Akhmetovna, head of the Department of "Finance, accounting and evaluation" TAU, Ph.D., professor

· Esymkhanova Zeynegul Klyshbekovna, professor of the department "Finance, accounting and evaluation", Ph.D., professor, TAU

The work was attended by employees of leading banks in Russia: Sberbank and RSHB. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.11.2019
Номер новости для фото:  4

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