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Students of the Agrarian University took part in public hearing on the draft regional budget


Representatives of the executive branch, municipal administrations and members of the public were invited to attend the hearings. The participation of students of SSAU in public hearings on the draft budget of Stavropol Territory allows you to gain practical skills in the study of the disciplines of the Budget System of the Russian Federation, State and Municipal Finance.

Teachers of the department "Finance, credit and insurance"

· Ph.D., Associate Professor Glotova Irina Ivanovna,

Ph.D., associate professor Tomilina Elena Petrovna

· Ph.D., associate professor of the Department "Management" Kenina Diana Sergeevna

as well as students of accounting, financial and economic faculties took part in the public hearing on the draft law of Stavropol Territory No. 403-6 “On the budget of Stavropol Territory for 2020 and the planning period 2021 and 2022”.

The main financial document was made by the Deputy Chairman of the Government of Stavropol Territory - Minister of Finance of Stavropol Territory Kalinchenko Larisa Anatolyevna, who noted that the tax and budget policy being carried out in Stavropol Territory made it possible to ensure the stability of the financial situation in the region.

The budget for 2020 contains the following indicators: planned budget revenues - 119.3 billion rubles, planned expenses - 120.5 billion rubles. At the same time, the regional budget will remain socially oriented. 2020 will be the first year when supporting families with children will become one of the priorities. The size of each allowance will be increased by inflation, the payment for each child in large families will be doubled. The regional budget will finance the costs associated with providing residents of the region with housing, strengthening the material and technical base of medical and educational institutions. In a three-year perspective, stable growth in revenues to the region’s budget is forecasted, which will provide an opportunity to gradually increase the amount of expenses.

Students were given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the procedure for conducting a comprehensive preliminary analysis of the bill on the regional budget for the next financial year and short-term period. In the process of discussing the bill, an active discussion unfolded, where important problematic issues of the implementation of regional socio-economic policies were discussed. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.11.2019
Номер новости для фото:  5

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