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All-Russian action: dictation in English at the Agrarian University


The dictation is carried out by the Department of Youth Policy in conjunction with the Kazan Federal University among 147 educational and higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation. The venue for the event at the Stavropol State Agrarian University was the faculty of Social Hospitality and Tourism. The organizers and experts of the dictation were employees of the Department of Foreign Languages.

In total, 190 students from different faculties and courses of our university took part in the exam, foreign students of the preparatory department studying Russian and students of the 10th grade of MBEE secondary school with in-depth study of English No. 1. All who gathered for dictation were united by one common love - love of foreign languages.

The acting speaker addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. Head of the Department of Foreign Languages Olga Alekseevna Chudnova. She noted that the dictation was carried out in order to motivate young people to learn foreign languages as a means of international communication and to increase literacy, and the level of knowledge of the linguistic norms of the English language, she also spoke about the need and importance of studying foreign languages for future professional growth in any specialty and to increase self-esteem.

All dictation participants will receive Certificates of Participation, and winners will receive Diplomas. 

Дата новости для фото:  30.11.2019
Номер новости для фото:  3

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