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Faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism at the All-Russian Student Olympiad "Hotel and tourism business: innovations and trends"


The St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great hosted the All-Russian Student Olympiad "Hotel and Tourism Business: Innovations and Trends". 15 teams from 9 cities of Russia offered their innovative solutions. In total, 11 universities were represented at the Olympiad. The Olympics for all participants became not only a venue for competitions, but also opened the opportunity to find useful contacts.

The Olympics consisted of two blocks:

·- First, verification of theoretical knowledge in the field of hotel business, services, economics, services and marketing.

·- Second, practical part: creating a project for the development of an object or territory using innovative technologies.

Representatives of the hotel, restaurant and tourism business of the city of St. Petersburg were invited as members of the jury; to a greater extent, they evaluated all projects precisely from the point of view of their implementation on the existing market.

Stavropol State Agrarian University was represented by a team in the person of Ksenia Brikunova, Anna Golovinova and Anastasia Yasnitskaya.

As a result of the Olympics, our team became the winner in the nomination "The Most Socially Directed Project". 

Дата новости для фото:  03.12.2019
Номер новости для фото:  12

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