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Participation in the forum YUGAGRO-2019 employees of the Stavropol State Agrarian University


Within the framework of the YUGAGRO 2019 forum, the conference “Grain and money: how to increase wheat productivity without loss of profitability?” Was held. An increase in wheat yield often results in a decrease in its profitability. Enhanced nutrition, crop protection measures, machinery - all this requires additional investment. How to find the necessary balance? The practices of the agricultural business answered these and other questions: farmers with experience in harvesting crops with a profitability of 200%, agricultural scientists, agricultural consultants. In their speeches, they emphasized precisely the experience of effectively increasing yields.

At the conference, the speaker was the head of the Department of Soil Science named after Professor V.I. Tyulpanov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Valery Sergeevich Tskhovrebov. The scientist made a report on the topic: «The consideration of limiting factors is a key condition for the effectiveness of a grain hectare».

In his report, he noted that the main limiting factors are:

- the state of the crop (increase or absence of biomass, quality of phenophase passage, the presence of a secondary root system, etc.);

- the nitrogen content (nitrate and ammonium) in the layer 0-20 and 20-40 and 0-100cm, mg / kg;

- content of mobile phosphorus, potassium, mg / kg;

- content of mobile sulfur, mg / kg;

- the content of trace elements;

- stock of productive moisture in the arable and meter layer, mm;

- varietal composition of winter wheat;

- salt composition of soils by profile;

- the level of occurrence of groundwater and their chemistry, the presence and depth of occurrence of dense and waterproof rocks, features of the relief;

- phytosanitary condition of soils.

Information should be provided for each field, as differences within the holding can be very significant.

Also at the conference, the following speakers spoke with topics:

Also at the conference, the following speakers spoke with topics:

Kudryashov Igor Nikolaevich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Deputy Head of the Department of Selection and Seed Production of Wheat and Triticale named after P.P. Lukyanenko: «Features of feeding winter wheat in different phases of development»

Peretyatko Yuri Albertovich, head of the peasant farm: «The experience of growing a high estimated yield of high-quality wheat»

Tsibulnikov Viktor Alekseevich, Deputy General Director of LLC «Agroindustrial Company Kubanhleb»: «Mosaic of varieties as a guarantee of obtaining a decent crop at optimal costs»

Dorozhkina Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Plant Protection of the Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev: «Preparations of ano“ nest m ”in the protection of grain crops»

Morisov Denis Olegovich, General Director of the company «Agrobiotechnology»: «Integrated system of plant protection as a way to reduce costs»

Garkushin Alexey Anatolyevich, deputy. Director General for the production of the company «Harvest XXI»: «The benefits of using protective-stimulating drugs of the new generation in the cultivation of wheat»

Babenko Sergey Borisovich, chief agronomist of LLC «Biotechagro»: «The use of biological products is a factor in reducing the cost of wheat production». 

Дата новости для фото:  06.12.2019
Номер новости для фото:  6

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