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Seminar-meeting of deans of economic faculties and heads of departments of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia


On the basis of RSAU - Moscow Agricultural Academy held a two-day seminar-meeting of deans of economic faculties and heads of departments of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the topic "Improving the economic training of specialists, taking into account the priorities for the development of the agro-industrial complex."

The meeting was opened by the acting rector, chairman of the Association of Agrarian Universities of Russia "Agro-education", Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev.

The head broadcasted to the seminar participants the task that the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation set at a meeting of rectors of agricultural universities: agricultural education in the country should become innovative!

At the opening of the seminar-meeting, the head of the All-Russian Institute of Agrarian Problems and Informatics named after A.A. Nikonov, Academician Alexander Vasilievich Petrikov, who spoke about the urgent problems of the socio-economic development of the agro-industrial complex and rural areas.

For two days, the seminar-meeting addressed the interaction of educational institutions with employers in training specialists for the agricultural sector and the interaction of universities with publishing centers, modern requirements for specialists in the agricultural sector, and reports on the Open Agricultural University project and the effective use of the Anti-Plagiarism system in high school, other issues are addressed. Master classes were conducted according to the programs of additional professional education.

Within the framework of the seminar-meeting, the scientific and practical conference "Improving the technology of teaching higher education disciplines in the transition to new educational standards" was held and refresher courses were conducted on the programs "Innovative teaching technologies of higher education disciplines in the direction of" Economics "," Improving the teaching of disciplines in the direction of "Management" and "Information technology of the educational process in a modern agricultural university."

Дата новости для фото:  09.12.2019
Номер новости для фото:  12

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