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Subject Olympiad "Project Management"


Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University showed their professional knowledge, skills and creative potential in the subject Olympiad on project management.

The Olympiad is aimed at the formation of students' project thinking with the aim of improving the quality of bachelors training, developing their creative abilities, as well as identifying gifted students and forming highly qualified specialists. The organizers of the Olympiad were:

Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Management Technologies Inna Semko,

Associate Professor Larisa Anatolyevna Altukhova.

The task of the Olympics was to develop a project concept in Stavropol for a potential investor. It should be interesting to residents of the city and implemented within three months.

After a public presentation of the jury's projects, consisting of: Doctor of Economics, Professor Andrei Nikolaevich Baidakov, Ph.D., Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics for Academic Affairs Olga Nikolaevna Babkina Ph.D., Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics for Education the work of Diana Sergeevna Kenina, Ph.D., associate professor Svetlana Vladimirovna Levushkina, Ph.D., associate professor Dmitry Vasilyevich Zaporozhets summed up and presented participants with diplomas of winners and gifts.

I place was taken by the Management team 3 courses

II place was taken by the team "Management 4 courses

III place of honor awarded to the team "State and municipal government." 

Дата новости для фото:  09.12.2019
Номер новости для фото:  10

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