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Digital Day Conference at Sberbank


The Digital Day conference was held by the Stavropol branch of PJSC Sberbank for executive authorities, heads of municipalities on the application of modern digital solutions, as part of the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On National Goals and Strategic Tasks of the Development of the Russian Federation for the Period 2024”.

The conference was attended by Irina V. Taranova, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Financial Management and Banking.

We opened the event and delivered a welcoming speech:

Deputy Chairman of the South-West Bank of PJSC Sberbank Irina Tkachenko,

Manager of the Stavropol branch No. 5230 of PJSC Sberbank Alexey Sergeevich Chvanov.

Presentations of their products were presented by the bank's subsidiaries: Speech Technology Center, VisionLabs, Sber Solutions, Cloud Technologies LLC, Sberbank-Telecom LLC, Sberbank Service LLC - developers of various products: Smart City project solutions, video identification (security cities, transport facilities, sports facilities), financial and personnel outsourcing, a virtual data center, electronic document management, certification center services, automatic completion of protocols, and much more.

All conference participants were able to discuss all the technical subtleties, get advice on the implementation of digital technologies, chat with top officials of the development companies. 

Дата новости для фото:  09.12.2019
Номер новости для фото:  9

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