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The team of Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the work intensiveness “Winter Island”


From December 1 to 4, Sochi, as part of the Technology Leadership Week, hosted the Winter Island intensive work for 1,500 specialists from Russian companies focused on exporting domestic digital and educational technologies and products. On December 5, the program continued with Ecosystem Day. The event was organized by the NTI Platform, University 20.35, ASI, RVC, ANO Digital Economy, Sirius Educational Center, as well as specialized federal ministries.

Working Intensity “Winter Island” - this is the second “Island” for the team of Stavropol SAU. The summer intensive, which took place in July on the basis of SkolTech, contributed to a rethinking of approaches to organizing university space - understanding the role of project activities in undergraduate and graduate programs and building individual educational trajectories of students; the importance of such infrastructural elements as the “Boiling Point”, the need to take into account the global STI markets when setting the development priorities of a modern higher educational institution. A lot of this has already been reflected in the life of the SSAU.

The fundamental difference between “Island 10-22” and “Winter Island” is in the educational orientation of the first and the practical content of the second, aimed at solving applied problems of the country's technological development.

The final list of participants of the Zimniy Ostrov working intensity from the university, based on open selection technologies conducted using artificial intelligence algorithms and invitations from the organizers, included seven employees of SSAU:

- Head of the project office of the Strategic Development and Project Management Department, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Aleksey Nikolaevich Bobryshev;

- Head of the department of organization and control of the educational process, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor Nelly Alexandrovna Tunina;

- Head of the Department of Economic Security, Statistics and Econometrics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Alexei Nikolayevich Gerasimov;

- Dean of the Faculty of Secondary Professional Education, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Oksana Sergeevna Gavrilova;

- Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics for Science, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Alexander Vladimirovich Tenishchev;

- Head of the R&D and Technology Transfer Department, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor Sergey Pavlovich Sklyarov;

- Leading specialist of the project office of the strategic development and project management department, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Evgenia Taranova.

- Associate Professor, Research Fellow, Department of Economic Theory and Economics of the Agro-Industrial Complex, Candidate of Economic Sciences Evgeny Rusanovsky.

Work on the “Winter Island” was organized in three thematic areas - export, personnel and ecosystem tracks. All four days of December, participants discussed the best ways to bring Russian projects and products to the world market. It was also about training for the digital economy.

The ecosystem track has become the most massive. Over 600 people from 70 regions of Russia took part in its work. The participants, united in 39 teams, developed their proposals, initiatives and a vision of mutually beneficial cooperation within the STI ecosystem. The main task of the Ecosystem track was to design a prototype of the National Network Accelerator of Technology Startups (NSA). It will work in 2020 and will combine more than 30 work formats. Another result of the work of the Ecosystem track is 96 new downloaded services on the Marketplace of Services. Among the services are proposals for the creation of a mentor school as part of the circle movement, startup and technology libraries, and the development of private and university accelerators.

The personnel track was an expert-design intensive to develop effective solutions in the field of training and development of personnel in the digital economy. The main trends in the education transformation that the teams formulated included the development of additional professional education to quickly train digital staff and increase the financial stability of universities, export of world best practices and special training of teachers to replicate these practices across the country. 37 participating universities of the track offered 29 services for the Digital University: digital content, diagnostics and selection, a digital track, organization of project activities, a marketplace for industrial partners, a digital competency profile.

The export track was aimed at preparing technology companies to enter global markets. More than 200 startups worked on it and 236 agreements between startups and foreign companies were signed.

In general, the intensiveness of “Winter Island” allowed expanding the competencies of the Stavropol GAU team, gaining access to the digital platform of the ecosystem of services that facilitate the digital transformation of companies and sectors of the Russian economy, and solving urgent problems

Дата новости для фото:  11.12.2019
Номер новости для фото:  3

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