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Ecological and educational project “Let's Preserve the Nature of the Native Land”


On the basis of Stavropol State Agrarian University, an awarding ceremony was held for the winners of the environmental conservation projects of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium “Let's Preserve the Nature of the Native Land” in the Stavropol Territory.

In the competition in four categories: the art contest “The beauty of deer - the beauty of the world”; photo contest “The many faces of Stavropol”; video contest “I am an eco-volunteer: how I protect nature”; The literary contest “Traveling through the Stavropol Protected Area: Nature Secrets and Mysteries of History” was attended by school students from all over the Stavropol Territory and students from Stavropol State Agrarian University. Recall that in the framework of the environmental awareness-raising project by the Caspian Pipeline Consortium in 2018, representatives of the Department of Ecology and Landscape Construction held open environmental lessons for the youth of the Stavropol Territory, during which they talked about the role of youth in solving environmental problems, and about the requirements for children's work contests.

In 2019, the project of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium continued work on updating the deer gene pool through the acquisition of animals outside the Stavropol Territory. The award was held in a friendly atmosphere.

The honored guests came to greet the active, ecologically-oriented youth and their mentors:

Acting Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov;

First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory Ivan Ivanovich Kovalev;

General Director of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium Nikolai Nikolaevich Gorban;

Deputy General Director of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium Mikhail Ignatievich Grishankov;

Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Stavropol Territory Igor Gennadievich Trautvayn;

Head of the Education Committee of the Administration of the City of Stavropol Angelina Vladimirovna Direganova;

Director of GKU “Directorate of specially protected natural territories of the Stavropol Territory” Denis Slynko;

Vladimir Ivanovich Emelyanov, Chairman of the regional branch of the RO Public Environmental Control of Russia LLC in the Stavropol Territory;

As well as representatives of executive and legislative authorities, public organizations, teachers and students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

“We believe that caring for nature is not only a fashion trend, it is a condition of technological progress. That is why it is very important to train qualified personnel in this field. And that's why it is so important from an early age to involve young people in solving environmental issues, and such contests are a necessary element in shaping the ecological worldview of society, ”said Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov, rector, professor at the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The richness of nature of the Stavropol Territory - is reflected in the works of the contestants - with a special emphasis, mood and feeling.

It is gratifying that the winners and prize-winners met on the same platform, were able to discuss their work with peers, and parents and teachers and teachers supported them in this.

The solemn event on the occasion of the awarding ceremony of the environmental conservation projects of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium “Preserve the Nature of the Native Territory” in the Stavropol Territory was held in a creative and friendly atmosphere not only for nature admirers, but also primarily for environmentalists, colleagues and like-minded people, whose the overall objective is to help preserve the natural heritage of Stavropol.

The second part of the event was devoted to visiting the Russian Forest Sanctuary, where the winners and prize-winners of the contests were able to see how deer are released into the natural habitat. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.12.2019
Номер новости для фото:  2

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