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On-site practical classes for students


An exit lesson in microeconomics was held at the Faculty of Economics, during which the process of cost formation at all stages of the full cycle of furniture production was studied: from the acquisition and storage of raw materials to packaging and transportation of finished products at the Gandylyan furniture factory.

Semyon Matveevich Gandylyan introduced to students the features of the Gandylyan children's furniture factory. He talked about how the factory began operations in 1993. Thanks to the vast experience in woodworking, the company immediately took a leading position in the market. The priority of the studied enterprise is the ideal product quality.

With great interest the students got acquainted with all stages of production from drying and sawing wood to packaging products. The high level of automation and robotic equipment that allows you to perform complex three-dimensional high-precision operations for milling and polishing wood did not leave anyone indifferent.

During the practical training, the students asked a lot of questions, as a result of the answers to which it was found out that the technology of each stage of production was painstakingly worked by Italian and German engineers, whose companies have been engaged in woodworking for more than 100 years.

The experience of the strategic partner of the Faculty of Economics was summarized by the organizers of the on-site practical lesson, Head of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of the Agro-Industrial Complex, Professor O.N. Kusakina and Associate Professors of the Department – Gruzkov I.V. and Tokareva G.V. 

Дата новости для фото:  16.12.2019
Номер новости для фото:  10

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