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IV International Conference “Modern Poultry Farming. Novelties. Trends. Technologies"


In Yekaterinburg, the IV International Conference “Modern Poultry. Novelties. Trends. Technologies" was held. The event was organized by the EGMART Group of Companies, one of the largest suppliers of hatching eggs in Russia.

The conference was attended by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor of the department of private livestock breeding, animal breeding and selection Elena Edugartovna Epimakhova.

The conference featured presentations by speakers from 6 countries. Russia was represented by: Murat Umalatov (EGMART Group of Companies), Elena Epimakhova (FSBEI HE SSAU), Sergey Postrigan (Seganel). Speakers from France: Natalia Buten (Orvia Group of Companies), Nicolas Guillaume (Orvia Group of Companies), Darius Chesna (Hendrix Genetics Turkeys France). From Poland - Arthur Paluszewski (“PANDA Iława”, “CUDDY Farms”), from the Czech Republic - PhD Milan Tyler (“Dominant CZ”), from South Korea - Seong Jin Park (“Ooo Hanhyap”), from Ukraine - Vitaliy Kolesnikov ( Inter Unity Holding)).

About a hundred people from different regions from Yakutia to the Crimea were in the hall, another five hundred watched what was happening online. Answers to questions on breeding highly productive crosses of chickens, ducks and turkeys in small-scale farms received professionally reasoned answers. Such conferences help farmers not only gain new knowledge, but also make valuable contacts, which will allow them to increase their own production of eggs and poultry meat. 

Дата новости для фото:  16.12.2019
Номер новости для фото:  6

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