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Employees of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology held an open training seminar at the "Boiling Point"


The event was aimed at educating, preventing and resolving conflict situations during communication. This topic is extremely relevant, since conflicts are the companions of mankind, they have always existed, and each of the people around us can be involved in them. That is why the open training seminar aroused keen interest of the scientific and student communities, and more than 50 people from the departments of socio-cultural service and tourism and accounting and finance took part in the event.

In the lecture hall-transformer “AtriUM” of the informal space of collective work - the university “Boiling Points-SSAU”, the head of the department of pedagogy, psychology and sociology, doctor of pedagogical sciences Tarasova Svetlana Ivanovna and associate professor of the department of pedagogy, psychology and sociology, candidate of pedagogical sciences Evgenia Vladimirovna Taranova held a training seminar on the topic “Conflicts and methods for resolving them”.

The speakers, in addition to familiarizing themselves with the theoretical aspects of conflict situations and behavioral strategies in a conflict situation, presented practical ways of effective communication to resolve problem situations. They described in detail the conflicts, styles of entry into the conflict, techniques that reduce the severity of the conflict.

The training seminar was accompanied by examples and analysis of situations, test methods, video clips and reflective moments. The speakers also invented and drafted presentation drawings and diagrams to help understand and remember the material. 

Дата новости для фото:  16.12.2019
Номер новости для фото:  21

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