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Single 1C seminar for accountants and heads of organizations was held at the Agrarian university


The Department of Economic Analysis and Audit of the Accounting and Finance Department, together with the strategic partner of Portal-South Company LLC, the city of Stavropol, organized and held 16 single seminar “1C” on the basis of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Single seminars have become a traditional event held by 1C and Portal-South, a leading partner of 1C in the south of Russia. These seminars are constantly gaining popularity among a wide range of accountants, employees of economic departments and specialists who are constantly faced with problems of automation of accounting in the organization in their accounting and production activities.

The single seminar 1C was opened by the head of the Department of Economic Analysis, Doctor of Economics, Professor Leshcheva Marina Genrikhovna. The general director of LLC “Portal-South Company”, the city of Stavropol Dmitry Gusev, addressed the meeting with a welcoming speech.

The seminar program included speeches by specialists of the 1C technology implementation department, Portal-South Company LLC, as well as invited specialists from the GU-Directorate of the FIU and Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 12 in Stavropol Territory.

In the course of the seminar, experts examined the following pressing issues:

- “Electronic work books - new reporting for employers. Support in 1C ”was considered by a 1C technology consulting programmer at Portal-South Company LLC, Stavropol Stratova Tatyana Nikolaevna.

- “1C - Reporting for 2019”, “New edition of PBU 18 - mandatory application from 2020, reflected in accounting” and “VAT in 1C: Accounting 8 –new opportunities, support for legislative changes, practical examples of reflecting difficult situations”, analyzed consultant-programmer on 1C technologies - Portal-South Company LLC Yakubovskaya Maria Viktorovna

- “Mandatory labeling - the introduction procedure, preparation for the transition, support in 1C: Enterprise,” was analyzed by a 1C technology software consultant - Portal-South Company LLC Teryaev Nikita Yuryevich

- “Actual changes in the legislation” was revealed by Olga Gennadyevna Afonicheva, Deputy Head of the Department for Assessing Pension Rights of Insured Persons, and Georgy Ilyich Botiev, Head of the Personnel Accounting Department, PFR Directorate for the City of Stavropol.

- “Actual changes in the legislation” was revealed by Lotta Borisovna Ecotto, Deputy Head for Work with Taxpayers — Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 12, Stavropol Territory.

“Actual changes in the legislation” was revealed by the deputy director of the branch No. 10 of the Social Insurance Fund for the city of Stavropol.

The regular seminars held regularly at Stavropol State Agrarian University, Portal-South Company LLC, Stavropol, offer users not only the most diverse solutions related to metering automation, but also show that 1C is constantly improving and developing these solutions, and also provides user support in connection with legislative changes.

Each seminar participant was able to ask a question at registration or at the event itself and get a highly qualified answer to his question related to the specifics of his organization. 

Дата новости для фото:  19.12.2019
Номер новости для фото:  4

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