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Student Conference "Problems and Prospects for Digitalization of the Agricultural Sector and the Recreational Sector of the Russian Economy"


At the Faculty of Economics, a student conference was held on the topic: “Problems and Prospects for Digitalization of the Agricultural and Recreational Sector of the Russian Economy”, organized by the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of the Agricultural Complex. Discussion and forecasting of future trends in the development of the digital economy was carried out with the aim of developing the professional competencies of bachelors studying in the field of "Economics".

The moderators and hosts of the conference were Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Natalya Dovgotko and Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Elizaveta Skiperskaya.

Artificial intelligence in various sectors of the economy, including agriculture: are there any boundaries? Agricultural robotics or new employment? Personnel virtualization or war with robots? How are big data changing business and human? Digital technology or thinking?

These and many other questions were revealed and discussed by students and their mentors in the reports presented at the conference. So, in their speech “The concept of smart agriculture” Begun V.V. and Moiseenko A.V. presented a detailed description of digital agriculture and substantiated the conclusion about the important role of knowledge in modern conditions as a factor in accelerating the technological development of the industry under study.

The report of the 2nd year student Pendyurenko E.F. “Digitalization in the recreational sphere: prospects and problems of development” revealed the issues of development of its recreational zones that are relevant for the Stavropol Territory, which can significantly accelerate the economic development of the region.

In the speech of Kulakova K.I. and Germanova K.S. on the theme “The essence of the digital economy and its impact on modern society” it is clearly reflected that the digital economy, which generates a continuous stream of innovations, implies, first of all, the development of human capital.

During the discussion that arose during the conference, students and teachers justified the relevance and need for the development of the digital economy in the sectors of agriculture and recreation, however, it was noted that there are certain risks associated with the introduction of digital technologies, among which a possible decrease in the level of security data and rising unemployment in rural areas.

Presentations aroused great interest of the audience due to their scientific novelty and practical significance. In addition, students and teachers noted that the regular holding of such thematic conferences is of great importance for improving the quality of education of bachelors. 

Дата новости для фото:  19.12.2019
Номер новости для фото:  5

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