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Results of the III International competition of students and teachers


The results of the III International competition of students and teachers of professional educational institutions “PROFESSIONAL STARS - 2019/2020”, organized by RusAlliance Sova LLC, Moscow, were summed up.

In the nomination “Scientific work”, master's dissertations of the 2019 graduates of the “Economics” direction (master's program “Accounting, Analysis and Audit”), carried out under the guidance of a candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the Department of Accounting Financial Accounting Natalya Valentinovna Kulish won prizes :

Klyubina N.V. - “Features of accounting for settlements with personnel for remuneration in organizations of the oil and gas industry” - 2nd place;

Karbashova A.V. - “Accounting policies as an effective tool for managing agricultural activities when paying a single agricultural tax” - 3rd place. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.12.2019
Номер новости для фото:  1

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