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At the Boiling Point, a discussion was held on the topic “Technology of Success in an Age of Change”


During a dialogue with youth, the organizers invited students to familiarize themselves with the technology of success in an era of change. Any industry today is changing rapidly under the influence of a number of global challenges. Being a market leader means introducing new technologies based on models of artificial intelligence and machine learning: blockchain, VA / AR, IoT, software robots (bots), cloud technologies, client recognition technologies by face, fingerprint, palm, voice, retina and others.

Employees of the Department of Financial Management and Banking Doctor of Economics Yulia Mikhailovna Sklyarova and associate professor Elena Nikolaevna Lapina, together with a strategic business partner of the Agrarian University of PJSC Sberbank in the lecture hall-transformer AtriUM of the informal collective work space - the university Boiling Point-SSAU - held a discussion on the topic “Success Technologies in an Age of Change”. More than 150 people from accounting, finance and economics departments signed up for the event. The head of the supplementary office No. 5230/0175 of Stavropol branch No. 5230 of PJSC Sberbank Alexander I. Suslov acted as an expert on the site.

At the beginning of the discussion, the head of the project office of the Agrarian University, the head of the project activity of the design and educational intensiveness SmartAgro-2019, Doctor of Economics work Alexey Nikolaevich Bobryshev addressed the participants with a welcoming speech and wished productive work.

The development of digital technologies and the resulting changes in consumer behavior preferences styles are the basis for the formation of a new phenomenon in the economy - digital ecosystems. Today, Chinese and American companies have made significant progress in building ecosystems. Among them are such leading technology companies as Alibaba, Tencent, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple and others.

Sberbank is no exception, it is also beginning to actively build an ecosystem of non-financial businesses to meet the ultimate needs of customers, such as shopping, health, leisure, home, business development. Therefore, the Sberbank system formulated competencies 2020, which employees should possess. To provide employees with skills that are scarce in the labor market (large-scale transformation management, Agile, DevOps, working with data), the bank launched the Academy of Technology and Data in KU. The changes in HR functions will be based on the transition to the SF cloud platform with an increase in the role of managers in people management, automation of the main tools and processes of personnel management (up to 90%), integration of models based on employee analytics, using artificial intelligence and sociotyping in decision-making on main processes, unification and centralization of HR transactional services for all functions. Sberbank also has new professions. This is not always a new field of knowledge, sometimes a change in the management model leads to the emergence of new professions that differ primarily in soft skills.

At the end of a very productive meeting, Alexander Igorevich emphasized that our time is called VUCA - this world is unstable, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, like the ocean. Today, more and more young people have to think about which field of activity to choose in order to, in the end, not remain “overboard” of modern life. Therefore, he recommended that students take the models and success formulas from Ray Dalio as the basis of their life credo: “The key to success is dreams, combined with a sober assessment of what constitutes reality, as well as knowledge of how to defeat this reality and determination to do it.”

And these parting words of the top manager will serve as a good impulse for those who are ready to actively build the future of Russia. 

Дата новости для фото:  20.12.2019
Номер новости для фото:  3

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