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The beginning of the XII season of production of hybrid hatching eggs, incubation and sale of daily young animals in stock


This year, the strategic partner of the University LLC “Agrokormservis plus” will incubate eggs from its own parent flocks of “Dominant TsZ” egg chickens and “Ross 308” meat chickens in a new hatchery fitted with modern domestic equipment. Traditionally, teachers and graduate students of the Faculty of Technology Management will carry out a technology audit.

The co-founder of the company, Anton Vladimirovich Goloshubov, submitted for analysis and incubation the first control sample of breeding eggs of meat chickens. He also invited students of the 3rd and 4th year students of the faculties of technological management, veterinary medicine, electric power and agricultural mechanization to industrial practice with subsequent employment.

The technological audit will be carried out by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Elena Edugartovna Epimakhova. Together with postgraduates and students, the teacher will evaluate the morphological, physico-chemical and incubation parameters of chicken and turkey eggs.

Дата новости для фото:  10.01.2020
Номер новости для фото:  4

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