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A working trip of lectures and students to the North Caucasian zonal poultry experimental station


Genetic Selection Centre “SKZOSP” is a branch of the Federal Scientific Center “VNITIP” RAS is located in the Stavropol Territory, in the village of Obilnoye. This is the only institution in the Russian Federation engaged in breeding work with turkeys. The SSAU and the Experimental Station are linked by partnerships.

The delegation of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, consisting of: professor of the department of private livestock breeding, animal breeding Elena Edugartovna Epimakhova, third-year postgraduate student Maria Barsukova, fourth-year student Ksenia Kalitkina and third-year student Alexander Gridasov visited the North Caucasus Regional Poultry Experimental Station.

The director of the Genetic Selection Centre “SKZOSP”, a branch of the Federal Scientific Center “VNITIP” of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexey Vitalyevich Sheplyakov, spoke with representatives of the University.

The conversation was dedicated to the research and production activities of the institution in the field of pedigree turkey breeding and the prospect of conducting joint experiments.

Students and graduate students were given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the testing laboratories. The management of the institution invited students of SSAU to industrial and technological practice, and graduates to find a job.

Also, the delegation of SSAU was able to familiarize themselves with the contents of the parent flock of egg hens crosses “DOMINANT CZ” in two-tier cell batteries in the Pyatigorsk subdivision of LLC Agrokormservis plus (director Vrana A.V., head of zooveterinary servises, PhD of Agriculture Grishin V.A.).

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