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Patriotic event for students on the anniversary of the liberation of Stavropol from fascist invaders


January 21, 1943 Stavropol was liberated from Nazi invaders. The memory of the feat of soldiers, citizens and partisans of the Stavropol Territory also lives after 77 years. Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University have joined in the commemorative events dedicated to the anniversary of the liberation of the regional capital from Nazi invaders.

In memory of the feat of the liberators, a round table was held dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the liberation of the city of Stavropol from Nazi invaders. It was this event that launched the patriotic events for the 75th anniversary of Victory Day, which will be held at the University.


Together with the students, the teachers of the Department of Philosophy and History also visited the round table: Professor Sergeн Vladimirovich Yanush, Associate Professor Evgeny Vasilievich Tufanov, Associate Professor Inna Nikolaevna Kravchenko and Associate Professor Olga Nikolaevna Shmatko. 

From the history of the liberation of Stavropol:

One of the tragic pages in the history of Stavropol was its occupation by the Nazi invaders, which lasted from August 3, 1942 to January 25, 1943. The population of Stavropol did everything to frustrate the calculations of fascist Germany to stay in the rich land. At all stages of the battle for the Caucasus, army units relied on the support and comprehensive assistance of the local population.

On January 1, 1943, in connection with the advance of the Northern Group of Forces of the Transcaucasian Front, the enemy hastily began to withdraw its main forces beyond the Kuma River. The Soinformburo report dated January 11, 1943 reported the liberation of the cities of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, as well as the Budennovsky, Achikulaksky, Arkhangelsky districts.

On January 20, our troops liberated the city of Nevinnomyssk; on January 21, troops of the Transcaucasian Front captured the city of Stavropol. Until the end of January, the territory of the Stavropol Territory was completely liberated.

On March 16, 1943, the Council of People's Commissars approved a resolution establishing an extraordinary State Commission to establish and investigate the crimes of Nazi invaders in territories liberated from occupiers. The commission in the Stavropol Territory was headed by the famous Soviet writer Alexeiy Nikolayevich Tolstoy. According to the calculations of the commission, the damage caused to the national economy of the region amounted to over 10 billion rubles.

More than 100 thousand civilians were destroyed by the Nazis in the occupied territory of the North Caucasus, including about 32 thousand people in the Stavropol Territory. In almost all cities and regions of the Territory, the main industrial enterprises were disabled: "Red Metalworker", a tannery and a meat cannery, a motor repair plant in the city of Pyatigorsk, and Georgievsky Valve Plant named after Lenin, Nevinnomyssk factory for the primary processing of wool, steam and car depot in Mineralnye Vody. Power plants, bakeries, telephone exchanges were blown up, schools were burned down.

In Stavropol, two theaters, the buildings of the zootechnical and pedagogical institutes, together with equipment and laboratories, were destroyed. In rural areas, a large number of cattle, bread and other agricultural products were destroyed and exported.

Not recognizing any norms of international law and human morality, the Nazis launched all possible means of destroying civilians. In Kislovodsk alone, the Nazis hanged and shot more than 3 thousand people, including 400 children, more than 100 doctors. During the period of occupation in Stavropol, about 8 thousand people were shot and gassed.

From the very first days after the liberation of the region, the Stavropolites with their selfless work began to lift from the ruins of the city and village. Their efforts were aimed at reviving factories, railway transport, collective farms and state farms, and including them in work for the needs of the front.

A separate line in the history of the liberation of the Stavropol Territory is the date January 21, 1943 - the day of liberation of the regional capital. During fierce two-day battles, Stavropol was cleared of Nazi invaders by units of the 347th Infantry Division of the 44th Army.

M. Fomin, editor of the newspaper of the 347th Infantry Division “Banner of the Motherland” newspaper, made in 1943 about the exciting moment: “You need to be a great artist in order to be able to convey the exciting paintings of glee and joy of the Stavropol residents when parts of the division entered the city. Tears of joy involuntarily came out from both those who met and those whom they met. ... Everywhere in Stavropol the soldiers found a warm welcome, a warm shelter, a short but wonderful vacation. ”

The memory of those heroic days, the inhabitants of Stavropol carefully store and pass on to future generations. The first in the Stavropol Territory in 1964 lit the Eternal Flames at the memorial “Fire of Eternal Glory” in Georgievsk, then in Pyatigorsk (1965). On October 28, 1967, the memorial to the soldiers and partisans who died during the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars on the Komsomol Hill was held in the capital of the region. On this day, to the solemn music, the “Fire of Eternal Glory” broke out from a torch lit in Leningrad from the Eternal Flame on the Field of Mars. The gasification of the memorial was carried out by the Stavropolgorgaz company.

Two streets in the city of Stavropol bear the names of their liberators: Bulkina street and Korotkova street. In 1995, the memorial "Fire of Eternal Glory" installed the steles on which are inscribed the names of those who died on a cold January night in 1943, liberating Stavropol from the Nazis.

On April 21, 2010, the townspeople laid a commemorative capsule with the address of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War of the city of Stavropol to future generations in the wall of the memorial “Fire of Eternal Glory”. The appeal of veterans to the future young generation speaks about the main life values - love, peace, honesty, and that you always need to remember your roots and protect your country. The capsule will open on the 100th anniversary of the Victory in 2045.

Every year, January 21, residents of Stavropol, both old and young, come to the memorial “Fire of Eternal Glory” to pay tribute to the soldiers of the 347th Infantry Division, bow their heads to those who forever remained in the Stavropol land ... 

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