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The strategic partners of the University congratulated the students with Russian Students’ Day


An open dialogue between students of Accounting and Finance, Economics, Electric Power, Agricultural Mechanization, and Secondary Vocational Education Faculties with an authoritative financier - chairman of the South-West Bank of Sberbank Evgeny Viktorovich Titov as part of the celebration of the Day of Russian Students was held at Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Addressing students at the beginning of the meeting, Yevgeny Viktorovich noted: “Student years are a wonderful couple, which is associated with inexhaustible energy, activity, optimism and a thirst for knowledge. Knowledge is the most valuable and necessary resource for achieving success in any business. It is in this period of life that you can plan your future, set ambitious goals and begin the path to success. And the knowledge that you will get today in our lecture “How to become a financially literate person” will help you. The realities of modern life are such that it is necessary not only to know the basic concepts from the world of finance, but also to be able to correctly use financial instruments and manage the risks associated with them. Our lectures are a great opportunity to convey the basics of this science for students in an accessible way and to interest the younger generation to study this topic on their own. Improving the financial literacy of the population is one of the priorities of Sberbank as the country's largest financial institution. On the eve of the holiday, I wish each of you to become a true professional, self-confidence, strive for a dream, grow and move forward! ”

The manager of the Stavropol branch of Sberbank Alexei Sergeyevich Chvanov acted as the ambassador of financial education. The expert told the students of the Agrarian University about the basics of financial literacy, personal financial planning, modern tools on the market, about ways to obtain not only current income, but also the formation of capital for a future pension. Getting any income is inextricably linked to risk, so during the lecture students learned what financial risks exist, how they can be managed, how to avoid the risk of fraud and what methods of social engineering are used by criminals.

Students of the Agrarian University were also interested in other questions, comprehensive answers to which were given by Evgeny Viktorovich and Aleksei Sergeevich. And the result of the festive event was the presentation of memorable gifts from Sberbank to the birthday girls - Tatyana from among teachers and students present in the hall. 

Дата новости для фото:  24.01.2020
Номер новости для фото:  3

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