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Report and election conference of the primary trade union organization of students of SSAU


Stavropol State Agrarian University held an extended meeting of the primary trade union organization of students. On the agenda is the transfer of powers of the Chairman of the PPU. The conference was attended by over 250 students and masters of the University.

The conference was opened by former Chairman of the primary trade union organization of students of Stavropol State Agrarian University - Nikolai Golovin. He reported on the work of the PPO in 2019. 

Then Sergey Nogin, who put forward his candidacy for the post of Chairman of the Primary Trade Union Organization of Stavropol State University students, addressed the audience.

Sergei Nogin is a fifth-year student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, head of the Stavropol regional branch of the All-Russian public organization "Young Guard of United Russia.

Sergei Nogin was elected as the new head of the Department of Veterinary Medicine by the unanimous decision of the Stavropol State Administration students.

Sergey Nogin made a farewell speech to the students:

- Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor Ivan V. Atanov

- Chairman of the Stavropol Territory Trade Union Organization Sergei G. Marnopolsky 

Sergei Nogin takes up the post of Chairman of the Trade Union Committee of Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University from February 1, 2020.

Дата новости для фото:  29.01.2020
Номер новости для фото:  5

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