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As part of the annual XX Spartakiade among employees of Stavropol State Agrarian University competitions in the sixth sport were held.

The chess tournament brought together players from all faculties of Stavropol State Agrarian University. At the end of the competition the places among teachers were distributed as follows:

In team classification:

1st place - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Technological Management;

2nd place - Faculty of Economics;

3rd place - Electric Power Engineering Faculty;

4th place - Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization;

5 place - Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources;

6 place - Faculty of Secondary Professional Education;

7 place - Accounting and Finance Faculty.

In personal offset:

Results among men (1 board):

1st place - Anatoly Molchanov (Electric Power Engineering Faculty);

2nd place - Vladimir Maximov, (Economic Faculty);

3rd place - Vladimir Maliev, (Agricultural Mechanization Department).

Results among men (2 boards):

1st place - Roman Tsygansky (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Technological Management);

2nd place - Zakharin Anton, (Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization);

3rd place - Vladimir Gerasimov, (Economic Faculty).

Women (1 board):

1st place - Elena Kits, (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Technological Management);

2nd place - Julia Labovskaya, (Economic Faculty).

3rd place - Violeta Filipova (Secondary Vocational Education Faculty). 

Дата новости для фото:  31.01.2020
Номер новости для фото:  7

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